Wilmslow Community Market Garden

We were so lucky to be invited to join a wonderful local volunteer at the Wilmslow Community Market Gardens today.  We dug up and bagged potatoes, picked tomatoes, sampled raspberries, found courgettes, spent time in the sensory room and much more.  This truly was a fruitful day ☺️

Lets's Connect Get in Touch

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School Hall Road, SK9 3AE
Hannah McGuire | Headteacher 01625520207 admin@stbenedicts.cheshire.sch.uk
Diocese of Shrewsbury Cheshire East
SENDCo Tamsin Vernon | admin@stbenedicts.cheshire.sch.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Hannah McGuire
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | Catherine McBride and Tamsin Vernon
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