Reception: News items
Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies, by Mrs McGuire
Athletics Competition, by Mrs McGuire
Girls Cricket, by Mrs Case
London 2024 Part 2, by Mrs Bond
London- year 6 2024, by Mrs Bond
Cultural Diversity Day, by Mrs McGuire
Quidditch (Muggle style), by Mrs McGuire
Book fair, by Mrs McBride
Celebrating our cultures in Reception, by Mrs Everett
Learning about Kenya, by Mrs Everett
Football match, by Mrs Bond
Winners!, by Mrs Bond
Kite flying, by Mrs Everett
PTA Bingo, by Mrs Bond
Reception tell the Easter Story, by Mrs Everett
Irish Dancing, by Mrs Bond
Science Workshop, by Mrs Everett
Forensic Investigators, by Mrs Bond
Netball Tournament, by Mrs Bond
New den, by Mrs Bond
Beyond Lies More, by Mrs McGuire
Making clay planets, by Mrs Everett
Fun in the snow, by Mrs Everett
Snow Day!, by Mrs McGuire
Magic Show, by Mrs Bond