Reception: News items

Football match, by Mrs Bond

Winners!, by Mrs Bond

Kite flying, by Mrs Everett

PTA Bingo, by Mrs Bond

Irish Dancing, by Mrs Bond

Science Workshop, by Mrs Everett

Forensic Investigators, by Mrs Bond

Netball Tournament, by Mrs Bond

New den, by Mrs Bond

Beyond Lies More, by Mrs McGuire

Making clay planets, by Mrs Everett

Fun in the snow, by Mrs Everett

Snow Day!, by Mrs McGuire

Magic Show, by Mrs Bond

Christmas counting fun, by Mrs Everett

Gingerbread men decorating, by Mrs Everett

We are Outstanding!!!, by Mrs McGuire

Visit to the Mosque, by Mrs Bond

New Netball Kits, by Mrs Bond

Harvest Collection, by Mrs Bond

Netball Tournament, by Mrs Bond

St Benedict, by Mrs Nixon

Lets's Connect Get in Touch

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School Hall Road, SK9 3AE
Hannah McGuire | Headteacher 01625520207
Diocese of Shrewsbury Cheshire East
SENDCo Tamsin Vernon |
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Hannah McGuire
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | Catherine McBride and Tamsin Vernon
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